Uniogen Sustainability Achievements 2023

Uniogen’s commitment to environmental, social, and governance (ESG) principles has never been stronger, as demonstrated in our 2023 Sustainability report. We caught up with Maija Jortikka, our Sustainability Specialist, to discuss this year’s highlights and the impactful changes Uniogen is implementing.

Embracing a robust Code of Conduct

Maija begins by discussing about Uniogen’s Code of Conduct, a cornerstone of our ethical framework. “Our Code of Conduct is guiding our operations and ensuring that we not only meet but exceed our ethical standards. It influences every decision we make, fostering a culture of integrity and accountability across all levels of the organization,” Maija explains.

Sustainability at Uniogen website

Maija shares another highlight about adding a special section on sustainability to the Uniogen website. “This new part of our website is made to be a complete guide for everyone, from our partners to the public, who wants to know about our work in sustainability. It shows our promise to be open about what we are doing,” she says.

Remarkable reduction in direct emissions

Perhaps the most notable achievement this year is the significant reduction in Uniogen’s own greenhouse gas emissions. “We’ve managed to decrease our direct emissions by 23.4% relative to revenue,” Maija proudly states. “This demonstrates our ongoing commitment to efficiency and sustainability, reducing our environmental impact.”

Looking to the future, Maija is optimistic about Uniogen’s path towards further sustainability achievements. “We are continuously exploring new ways to improve and innovate. Our commitment is not just to meet ESG benchmarks, but to continuously learn from the leaders in sustainability to be among the best within our industry.”

Read the report here.

Abacus Diagnostica, Kaivogen and Labrox are now Uniogen

Uniogen is a global pioneer in clinical diagnostics, point-of-care testing, and instrumentation for life sciences.

Uniogen – Enabling diagnosis and care at first appointment