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This is how a good instrument keeps getting better year after year

As the chief technology officer at Uniogen, Pauli Salmelainen oversees the life science instrument product portfolio of the Uniogen company. This means he must vision the demands and possibilities of the future because groundbreaking technology needs time to evolve. In his own words, though, most of his working hours are… Read More

High-end diagnostic instruments found in laboratories worldwide

When we shortlist the best smartphones or laptops, seamless user experience and compact ruggedness without compromising performance is a must. So why wouldn’t we expect the very same standards when choosing laboratory instruments? From Lego-blocks to world class diagnostic instruments Uniogen’s Head of R&D for life… Read More

A trusted partner with an ace up its sleeve

To fully understand the capacity and brain power behind Uniogen one must know what the company is made of. Kaivogen is a crucial part of Uniogen while the other fundamental pieces are Abacus Diagnostica and Labrox. Kaivogen’s roots are in the biotechnology unit of the University of Turku. Read More

Meet Teppo, our new lateral flow technical lead

Teppo Salminen started in Uniogen as a lateral flow technical lead in June. Teppo is part of a team developing a diagnostic platform that will combine immunoassays and PCR tests. The development project is focused currently on infectious diseases, but several other applications are to follow. Putting theory… Read More

Superfood – A mega trend growing in Finnish backyards

Along with wellness, superfoods have been a global mega trend for some time now. But what if you had some of the most nutritious superfoods naturally growing right in your backyard, ready to be collected and enjoyed? Us Finns are lucky enough to have just that. Read More

Meet us at Laboratory Medicine and Exhibition 2022 in Helsinki

After the COVID-restrictions have loosened it’s fantastic to be able to meet colleagues, share experiences and insight and of course make new contacts. The autumn has been very busy so far. Next, we are heading to LabLt2022. Laboratory Medicine and Exhibition 2022 (or LabLt2022) will… Read More

Abacus Diagnostica, Kaivogen and Labrox are now Uniogen

Uniogen is a global pioneer in clinical diagnostics, point-of-care testing, and instrumentation for life sciences.

Uniogen – Enabling diagnosis and care at first appointment