A trusted partner with an ace up its sleeve

To fully understand the capacity and brain power behind Uniogen one must know what the company is made of. Kaivogen is a crucial part of Uniogen while the other fundamental pieces are Abacus Diagnostica and Labrox. Kaivogen’s roots are in the biotechnology unit of the University of Turku. Veikko Wahlroos started the company in 2007 with Leena Kokko and Katja Laurikainen with help from a few professors from the university. The launch of the production got a boost from an investor company.

From streptavidin coated plates to custom product development

At the time there were a few customers already using streptavidin coated plates, so it became a natural key product for the company. The wells in the microplates also gave the company its name – before becoming a part of Uniogen, of course. Kaivo translates to ‘well’ in Finnish and it’s also used to call the wells in the plates.

After those first years a lot has changed. Kaivogen grew to be a specialist in various immunoassay components as well as a trusted partner for custom IVD assay development. After joining forces with Abacus Diagnostica and Labrox as Uniogen, further possibilities have opened in product development. Veikko points out that the synergy between the three companies has been a tremendous source of innovation.

Revolutionary diagnostic accuracy with upconverting nanoparticles

A great example of Uniogen’s synergy is Upcon labeling technology. This brilliant and unique concept of lateral flow diagnostics has been developed in co-operation between Kaivogen and Labrox. “Kaivogen delivers the chemistry and Labrox the instruments,” explains Veikko.

Upcon is complicated to explain but the results are easy to understand. In other words, it’s a fast and incredibly accurate way of delivering diagnosis with a lateral flow test that is applicable for various different needs – anything from Covid-19 to cancer diagnostics.

With Upcon lateral flow tests the results aren’t just a simple yes or no. The amount of the marker in the sample can be also studied which can give a lot more information for the diagnosis. The concept is wrapped together with a robust and easy-to-use software and equipment, which makes it unique in the market.

Read more about Upcon labeling technology here.

Abacus Diagnostica, Kaivogen and Labrox are now Uniogen

Uniogen is a global pioneer in clinical diagnostics, point-of-care testing, and instrumentation for life sciences.

Uniogen – Enabling diagnosis and care at first appointment